Day 9 – Back on Track!

Hey ya’ll! I’m feeling good today. Yesterday was pretty successful. It really lifted a weight off of my shoulders to confess, into the blogosphere, my cheating rampage on Monday. I felt empowered afterwards. Like, hah, I confronted the demon…now let’s rock it’s world!!

Like I said, yesterday was pretty successful…and I did really well staying on track.

Breakfast: Almonds
Mid-Morning Snack: Orange
Lunch: Tilapia & an apple with peanut butter
Mid-Afternoon Snack: Banana
Dinner: Subway – chicken breast on whole grain bread with no cheese and no dressing.
Evening Snack: 94% Fat Free Popcorn

So – not perfect…but not too bad either! 🙂

I almost got chips at Subway to satisfy my need for crunchy food. But then I remembered I had popcorn at home and I’d rather have that anyway! You can eat so much more for not as many calories, it’s wonderful! haha.

Today, I have edamame waiting for me in the freezer and had almonds for breakfast this morning. Now, I realize that almonds might not be quite enough of a breakfast. But, it’s a start. I usually don’t eat breakfast…so I’m starting where I can and I’ll build on that.

My eating is back on track…but my exercise is not so much. It’s really hard to work it in! Ugh. I didn’t go running last night like I had planned because I was really tired after teaching Kosama for 2 hours. So…I got Subway and went home to catch up on my DVR recordings before bed. haha. I won’t be able to run today either because I taught class at 5am & 6:10am, can’t go at lunch because then I’d be all sweaty…gross, and I have class from 5-9:30pm tonight. I’m tired just thinking about it!

All I see in that last paragraph are excuses, I know. I’m still struggling with balance between overcommitting to others and committing to myself. Small steps. Focusing on food now and then will add in the running committment slowly but surely. If it stays nice outside, maybe I’ll go on a walk for my afternoon break. That’d be super! 🙂

No food pictures today, but here’s more motivation!

Make good choices.




Day 8 – Eat Clean Meltdown…

So yesterday…wasn’t my best day in this eating clean journey. I started out pretty strong…with a banana, handful of almonds, and a scoop of peanut butter. Had greek yogurt for my mid morning snack and lunch was tilapia from Sunday night with grapes. And that’s where the good news ends.

I went to the doctor yesterday morning because I’ve been having back problems for a while now. I have a pulled muscle in my back between the ribs and not allowed to do upper body weights or workouts for 3-4 weeks. Anything that makes it hurt…stop doing. Well that’s going to be difficult, because everything makes it hurt! It’s in the worst spot possible, mid back (thoracic) right where you would turn or breathe, or do anything besides sleep. Which – that is uncomfortable too. So, now I’m icing it and sleeping on my right side…which I don’t like! I’m a left side sleep…just am. haha.

Anyway, so that put me in a piss poor mood. I dealt with it via a little self-destuctive behavior. In the form of very unclean foods, a jalapeno cheddar hotdog and spicy nacho dorito chips, on my way to class last night. I’m so ashamed! did make me feel better. And that’s not all of it…I ate a snickers (yes, a snickers!) during my last class. Ugh. Considering the fact that I can’t really workout to my fullest ability right now, don’t you think I wouldn’t eat bad foods?! I guess we all get a little crazy in the moment.

Well, that little episode and the thought of having to post it, for all who read to see, has made me determined to nix the behavior before letting it swallow me. I’m going to focus on my running (that’s lower body!) and my leg workouts. I’ll be a little unbalanced…maybe, but at least I won’t be sitting around eating bon bons or snickers! 🙂 One good thing I did yesterday was sign-up for Dam-to-Dam! It’s a 20K on June 1, 2013….scary!! The longest race I’ve done was a 7K about a year ago..and it was hell! I usually stick to 5K distances. So, I joined a new running group out of Ankeny to help me stay consistent with training and I look forward to meeting on Saturdays for runs and doing fun runs with them this summer!!

Tonight I’ll be running 3.5 miles after work and focusing on being smart about food choices!

Focus, Kristin. Focus.

Have a healthy day and stay strong!

Here’s a little motivation to me and you going. 🙂




Day 4: Eat Clean!!

Day 3 & 4 Review! Yeah!

So yesterday was decent. Pretty comparable to Day 2. I did indulge in a couple handfuls of the mini semi-sweet chocolate chips I spoke about in the last post! Lunch yesterday was the tuna-salsa lettuce wrap from an earlier post. I didn’t take enough lettuce leafs (leaves?) with me to work yesteryday, so I finished my lunch with tuna-salsa celery sticks! Haha. I was going to use them for peanut butter, but it was actually really delicious!! 🙂  Again, I had apples and a banana as my snacks during the day and for dinner I had a scrumptious dinner consisting of Southwest Chicken and mashed sweet potatoes. The Southwest Chicken is SUPER easy. I used a southwest chipotle seasoning mix to coat the boneless skinless chicken breasts (from the butcher) and toss them in the crock pot. Fill it with just enough water to cover the top of the chicken breasts. I set the crock pot on Low for 12 hours. I often get told that I can cook it for less time than that – but I’m not taking any chances!! In order to make sure it doesn’t dry out when reheated over the next couple days, I store it in a plastic container with the liquid and heat it up with some of the cooking liquid drizzled over it. It makes it nice and moist and helps hold in the flavor!! Mmmmmm Delicious!

This morning I was going to go to Subway for breakfast…buuuuut I realized I left my purse at home. FAIL. So I had a banana and some peanut butter crackers. haha. Not exactly clean (the peanut butter crackers) but, better than not eating! For my midday snack I had the most delicious grapes! They were HUUUUGE!! I’ve never seen grapes so big. And with big grapes you get…BIG SEEDS! Blech. But they were totally worth it. Lunch was the same as dinner last night and I cheated and ate a mini Nestle Crunch bar. Just one though!! And then I headed to the kitchen and grabbed my peanut butter, an apple, and a banana before I lost control on the candy!!

Tonight we are making meatloaf (this should be interesting – I’ve never made it before!) and probably finishing off the mashed sweet potatoes. There were a lot more than intended because of the soupy conundrum. It’s gonna be delicious!

Have a wonderful day and make good choices!

Below: Southwest Chipotle Chicken and Mashed Sweet Potatoes!


Day 2: Delicious and CLEAN!

Eat Clean – Day 2!

Review: Day 1 went well. After work last night I went on a shopping spree at the grocery store for clean items. The trick is staying on the perimeter! The only thing I needed down an aisle were some spices. After getting everything else I needed, I headed down the spice aisle which was also the “everything sweet in the entire world” aisle! Of course, the spices were at the opposite end of said aisle. I headed for the spices, distracting myself from the sweets by thinking about which spices to get and what dishes I could use them on. I scooped up my spices and b-lined it for the check out. Phew…disaster averted. Once home, I made sweet potato fries and eggs for dinner last night. I love eating breakfast for dinner!! I also stayed away from the candy bowl at work and didn’t dip into the mini semi-sweet chocolate chips in the pantry!! (I have a supply because I recently made chocolate chip banana bread, obviously before the EAT CLEAN change!!).

Today: Today has been successful thus far! For breakfast I ate the remaining sweet potato fries (still delicious cold!) and a banana. They were spaced about an hour apart from each other…so the banana was more a mid-morning snack…just in time to curb my sweet tooth and avoid the candy dish! I realized last night that I need to decide on a “cheat day”. Especially for those moments when I feel I “deserve” some kind of treat. I’ll have to think about it and come back…but I definitely need to stay strong as least the first week before allowing a cheat day, to get a good foundation of chemical resistance.

Lunch today was an absolute treat! I went home and made up a quick tuna & salsa lettuce wrap. It was more like a taco, but it was delicious either way! I made homemade salsa last night after the spree and used it on my eggs last nigth and for the tuna today…amaaazing! I’ll try and get recipes up for both the tuna wrap and the homemade salsa last this week!!


That’s all for now…Live Healthy, K?!



Live Healthy, K?!

Fend off the Flu

TrueStar Health Tip of the Day:

“Looking to fend off fall flus? Research shows  that (good quality!) daily echinacea use reduces the risk of catching colds and  flus by 58%. BUT, echinacea COMBINED with vitamin C can reduce the risk of  catching colds and flus, as well as the duration of the cold or flu by 86%.”
– Dr. Andra Campitelli

I Challenge You to a Duel!!!

Recently, a very good friend of mine presented me with a challenge, a fitness challenge.

The Challenge: No soda, No sweets and work out 6 days a week until Christmas. Holidays don’t count (meaning you can cheat and not be penalized on holidays like Thanksgivings and Birthdays).

The Consequence: Whoever cheats has to fly to the other person’s location. (She lives in Texas and I live in Iowa.)

She has a honeymoon quickly approaching and wanted to trim down a bit and needed someone to keep her accountable. While I don’t drink soda anyway, I do love sweets and always love a good challenge!!! My friend and I are both competitive at stuff like this and don’t like losing…so neither of us will quit! So far, this has been the best thing for both of us. We have both been tempted by tantalizing desserts that we think we ‘need’. However, right as I extended my hand to grab a mini-snickers from the candy bowl at work a little voice in my head said: STOP! THE CHALLENGE!! NOOOOOOO!!! And back in the bowl the snickers did go (individually wrapped…so no harm done).

So far, both of us have done really great. Soda isn’t a challenge for me because I challenged myself at the beginning of the year to give it up for one year…so easy sailing there. However, I’m a sucker for sweets. Challenging friends, family, and/or coworkers is a great way to stay accountable. I encourage you to add consequences and timeframes.

Another example, a friend of mine LOVES to dine out however it’s affecting her weight loss because restaurants cook in too much salt, fat, butter, etc. and then there’s dessert and drinks. Her challenge: dine out maximum of once a week. In this case, she’s not giving it up completely, simply limiting her consumption. This friend HATES to clean house and has hired a cleaning lady. Her consequence is that for every time she dines out over her 1x a week limit, she has to clean house for a week.

Here’s a couple tips when beginning a challenge:

Challenge Tip #1: Picky Partner

It is very important that you choose a challenge partner who is going to stay on task with you and not give-up. A good way to decide on a partner is to look at the habits of people in your life. It is a good idea to pick someone who has a good track record of follow-through. You don’t necessarily want to choose someone who screws up or quits as many times as you do…because you’re just increasing failure rate instead of ending it. Your challenge partner doesn’t have to NEED to lose weight or quit sweets or whatever your challenge is…they just have to be WILLING. For example, my friend asked me to do the challenge with her because she knows the only way she will win is over my dead body.

Even though I don’t have issues with soda and don’t over-indulge in sweets – they are both great things to give up for a period of time. The key here is that she chose someone who isn’t going to just let her win and throw in the towel half way through. If you don’t have someone in your life that you can count on to push you, check into hiring a coach, accountability partner, or personal trainer to help you achieve your goals.

Challenge Tip #2: Define the Challenge

There are different philosophies to what challenge you should start, easy temptations or hard temptations. In my opinion, go big or go home. Start with your biggest downfall to achieving your goals. What is your biggest problem area – soda, restaurants, binge eating, ice cream, no exercise, no follow-through, etc.? What do you struggle with the most? I like to go with the thing that is most challenging because on your first challenge, you will be really fired up and eager to win. Also, if you can beat your first challenge and it was something that is the hardest for you to overcome…just think how much easier your next challenge will be, after all you’ve already done the hardest.

When you are setting and defining the challenge, take baby steps. If you have 50 things you want to change…don’t do it all in one challenge! We all want everything to happen now, now now. However, if you set 50 things you aren’t allowed to do in ONE challenge…you won’t be successful, it’s too much. I recommend 1-2 things you want to quit with 1 thing you want to start. Example: This month I will not drink soda and I will start taking a multi-vitamin every day.

Challenge Tip #3: The Consequence Should Be Painful

Please do not misunderstand me, this should not actually be painful physically or cause harm in your life. What I mean is that the consequence needs to be something you would really rather not do. For example, my challenge with my friend mentioned earlier. Our punishment is whoever cheats has to fly to the other person’s location. It’s not that seeing her would be painful! Ha-ha. It’s that flights are EXPENSIVE!! So it would be painful to our budgets. My other friend that I mentioned hates to clean, so it would pain her to be forced to clean her house thereby encouraging her to not cheat!

If you set a consequence that you would be doing anyway, it won’t work. If you set a reward instead of a consequence, it’s going to be harder. Most of the time I hear rewards such as, if I don’t cheat…I’ll buy myself a pedicure. Then when the person cheats I hear, oh well I don’t really like pedicures or I can live without it. Well…that system didn’t work! J You need to make the consequence something that “pains” you to complete. Make sure you and your accountability partner agree on the consequence. Again, if you don’t have someone that you can count to hold you accountable for cheating seek out coaches, accountability partners, and personal trainers.

Good Luck on Your Challenges! Please write your challenge/consequence in the comments!

Live Well,


Promotional Deal! Now until the end of August!!


Deal ends August 31, 2012!

Check out the ‘Personal Training – Online’ page for more info!

And now for some motivational & educational moments…

Now get out there and have a great week!!

Be Healthy, Live Well.


Healthy Living with Kristin!

Welcome to my blog!! I have always been passionate about health and leading an active lifestyle and how to incorporate it while enjoying life. As a certified personal trainer and pursuer of constant activity, I’m usually the resource for friends and family when it comes to the latest health trends and exercise advice. So, I started this blog to share my journey with health and fitness and share my knowledge as well!

Please feel free to share your thoughts and ideas along with any topics you would like to learn more about!

Live Well,
